News from the IGS

16 Jun 2021


As an IB World School with a particularly strong German profile, the IGS offers the Gemischtsprachige International Baccalaureate (GIB) as a school leaving certificate, which entitles after successful completion to university entrance in Germany and most countries around the world.
At already 36 German schools abroad worldwide, students complete the IB Diploma Programme with the GIB, in which in grades 11 and 12, German, History, and Biology or Chemistry have to be taught and assessed in the German language.
As a globally-minded school, the IGS has been an active part of the GIB SCHOOLS GLOBAL NETWORK initiative since its inception. Under the guiding principles of “Creating Learning Opportunities” and “Making Learning Visible”, its focus is on international cooperation to enable supraregional learning experiences for students.
This school year, for example, the IGS formed a newspaper editorial team under the direction of Ms. Barnickel, who participated in global Zoom meetings in order to launch the newspaper GIB GLOBAL NEWS in collaboration with students on different continents.
Get to know the IB and the global contexts better and read what moves our students on the subject of the very first newspaper edition “Heimat”. Click here. (German language)