Gardening workshop + problem-solving workshop
Since the beginning of the second semester we have been offering a gardening club and a problem-solving club every week.
In the Gardening Club (every Wednesday, 4.20-5.20pm) the students have been doing a variety of activities: together we have been sowing seeds, re-potting seedlings, and building a snail-shaped plant bed from bricks and cement. Our goal is to build a lush vegetable garden with lots of vegetable varieties. Thanks to Ms. Polzin, Ms. Jurischka, Mr. Kmiecik and Van (Class 8) for helping in the first few weeks. We would love to welcome new students, especially those from higher grades, to join the gardening fun anytime.
In the Problem-Solving club (every Tuesday, 4.20-5.20pm) we have been looking at interesting tricky problems from maths and science olympiads such as the IJSO. The students are puzzling over age-appropriate questions while learning new problem solving strategies and natural science concepts.
In der Problemlöse-AG, die jeden Dienstag von 16.20-17.20 Uhr stattfindet, haben wir uns mit interessanten und kniffligen Problemen aus Mathe- und naturwissenschaftlichen Olympiaden, wie der IJSO, beschäftigt. Die Schüler*innen knobeln an altersgerecht ausgewählten Aufgaben, wobei sie neue Problemlösestrategien und eine Vielzahl an naturwissenschaftlichen Konzepten erlernen.