News from the IGS

8 Feb 2023


The first week of the year of the cat is behind us. It was great to see how the children stormed the schoolyard waving happily and occupied the group rooms on the first morning. However, some small news awaited them. The U6 area had grown during the break. The educator Jennifer Ottofülling is now supporting Ms. Schoechert with the resourceful Researchers. But the clever Researchers have also grown. In addition to Tim Hoppe and Yen Nhi Nguyen, who have been supporting us for 12 months as part of a voluntary service, the U6 area is happy about the additional help of two other interns – Wiard Schmidt, who supports the pre-school building for 4 weeks as part of his teacher training, and Simon Jungbluth, who actively helps in the kindergarten.
The first week flew by! The focus was on Spring and, as is the case in the calendar, the next public holiday is not far away either: Carnival is just around the corner.