News from the IGS

10 Jun 2022

Colloquia for Research Work, Classes 9/10

What does scientific work actually entail? And how does one write an academic text?
In order to find an answer to these questions, Classes 9 and 10 grappled with an academic project of their own choice in the weekly “research lesson”. This project work, which was pursued throughout the school year, has finally culminated in the official colloquia which were held at the beginning of the week!
From the advantages of 3D printing, the construction of a cloud chamber, to the analysis of the Victorian image of women, the students presented their results in the presence of their mentors. Students were then required to answer the questions of the teachers present in order to demonstrate the depth of their new-found expertise.
At this point, a big thank you goes to all the teachers who were tasked with supervising the research work and who, in cooperation with the students, were able to contribute to a new and hopefully sustainable learning experience. We at the IGS are looking forward to next year!