Coffee with us: GfL coordinator F. Barnickel
On Thursday this week, IGS parents of German as a foreign language (DaF) students had the opportunity to meet with the DaF-Coordinator, Ms. Barnickel.
In a relaxed atmosphere and with a nice cup of coffee, they were able to gain an understanding of important topics such as:
IGS curricula
The foundation for teaching and assessment of each subject in grades 1-10 are the curricula of the German state of Thuringia. On the basis of those, IGS school curricula have been developed with the adjustments and additions typical for the region.
Each year, teachers prepare an annual plan for teaching their subjects for each grade on the basis of the school curricula.
Grading and reporting
IGS follows the German grading system in primary and secondary 1. This ranges from
1(excellent); 2 (good); 3 (average); 4 (sufficient); 5 (poor); to 6 (fail).
Half-term and end of year report grades are composed by continuous assessment on the basis of grading matrices for each subject.
After completing grade 6, parents are consulted about students entering the Realschule (standard level) or Gymnasium (higher level) stream which is on the basis of students’ grade performance.
IGS Lateral Entrants’ Programme
Students without or with limited knowledge of German have the chance to study at IGS and learn subject content while still studying the language. Language level tests throughout their school career inform students and teachers about learning success. The levels are defined by the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) and are arranged into six proficiency levels from A1 to C2: Basic User (A1/A2), Independent User (B1/B2), and Proficient User (C1/C2).
Students have the opportunity to sit for the official German Language Certificate of the Education Ministers Conference at two levels: DSD 1 (A2/B1) and DSD 2 (B2/C1). These official language certificates of the German education authorities and the Foreign Office certify levels of knowledge of the German language in schools worldwide and serve as proof of language proficiency to German tertiary institutions.
German as a foreign language students at IGS receive additional media support to continue their language studies at home. The weekly newsletter: Die Schule – Study German Edition informs parents about news of the DaF-department and sends specific tasks for each German as a foreign language group. The school also subscribes to the language software Linguascope (get your password from your German teacher) and uses the vocabulary app Quizlet.
High School Diploma: International Baccalaureate
Special interest was also taken into the IB diploma which students can attain after successful completion of the Diploma Programme in grades 11 and 12. As part of the internationally recognized IB diploma, IGS offers a range of subjects that help students to gain the in the GIB (gemischtsprachiges International Baccalaureate) which is renowned in Germany. The GIB is a sophisticated version of the IB diploma that is recognized as an unrestricted university entrance qualification in Germany and is characterized by a high proportion of German taught and assessed subjects.
Thank you to those parents who made the time to join us and their questions which contributed to a lively conversation.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions regarding the German as a foreign language programme.
Franziska Barnickel