News from the IGS

5 Jun 2023

Choir Camp

Last weekend our school choir (Classes 5 to 9) went on a “Choir Weekend” led by Mr. Vale. The accommodation was similar to Madagui. It’s called Les Hameux de L’Orient and is run by a French couple.
The grounds of Les Hameux de L’Orient are very green, there are swan ponds, sheep, ducks and peacocks. The animals roam free. I was able to watch the swans very well and there were also many types of trees and flowers.
The food tasted very good. There was a great variety of Vietnamese and French options.
Of course we also used the time to practise our choir songs: that was the purpose of the trip. We practised together and in our individual voice groups (soprano, alto, tenor, bass). We learned a lot in the process.
We even ended up singing in front of an audience (the owners and guests of the property).
The best part about the trip was being able to hang out with our friends from the choir. For example, I could talk a lot and play table football. Niko was the foosball champion. All the boys enjoyed playing table football. Maybe our school should think about getting a foosball table.
The accommodation wasn’t a 5 star hotel, but I absolutely loved it. And if you want to get away from the city, Les Hameux de L’Orient near Cu Chi is the perfect place to relax at the weekend. It’s not far away are the Cu Chi Tunnels and the Cambodian border at Moc Bai.
We thank Mr. Vale for the choir direction and the great choir weekend!
Michael, Class 8