News from the IGS

4 Apr 2019

Alumni Talk – Looking back at the years at IGS

Our daughter Anna-Mayra had the opportunity to return to her “old” school in Vietnam at the end of February. For one week she was allowed to take lessons in her “old” grade, the current grade 4. After attending grades 1 and 2 at IGS, she moved to a regular primary school in Stuttgart, Germany in grade 3. Anna-Mayra was well prepared and had a solid foundation. It soon became apparent that she had advantages in English and Swimming lessons, as these subjects had been taught with more frequency at IGS. The current visit at the IGS shows that the teaching contents here and there are very similar and that a change back could take place without any difficulties.
We also noticed positive advantages from a social point of view:
She has played with all the children, both with the old classmates and schoolmates, as well as with children who had come to IGS in the meantime.
I think she really enjoyed the 5 days at IGS, and I thank IGS again for the opportunity to visit this school. We are happy that she feels at home in two schools.

Dr. Martina Merklinger
Chairwoman of the Parents Representation, school year 2016/ 2017