A2 exams in German
At the beginning of June, the Internationale schulische Vergleichsarbeit 2 (international school comparative tests 2) of the Central Office for German Schools Abroad took place for the students of Grade 5 at language level A2 (CEFR). Despite being conducted online, listening, reading and written communication skills could be tested.
The students have also already prepared their presentations for the orals, but the speaking exam can only be held at the beginning of the next school year due to campus closures. We are pleased that all of our examinees were able to convince us of their skills, despite having to complete the exams digitally.
The Internationale schulische Vergleichsarbeit 2 tests are subtitled “On the way to the DSD” and serve to prepare students for the official German language diploma DSD at levels I and II, which the students will encounter a little bit later into their school career, and serve as language certificates for German preparatory colleges and universities.