News from the IGS

1 Sep 2021


First day of school for our First Graders

The first day of school is always a special day, because now the “real” school begins, with learning to read and write and math, with music and art, with exploring the environment…and with new teachers and some new children that you may not even know. It’s an exciting day that the children and their parents can look forward to.
They did that today, even though we could only see each other on the screen, watching explanatory videos and with digital schoolbags… The two class teachers, Ms. Bachler and Mr. Foxius, together with the school management, welcomed the families and lovingly guided them through the programme. The photo session with our 16th first grader, the Koala, Kurt, whom Ms. Schaffer has especially invited to Vietnam from Australia, will be done “in real life” as soon as possible, we promise.
Of course, we are all looking forward to the first day of school on the IGS campus, when we can finally all travel and go to school again. Until then, I wish all children, parents and our teachers all the best, lots of fun, and ask for the necessary patience. And don’t forget: many thanks are due to our parents who help their children show up in the digital classroom.